For the most up to date list of my publications, please check out my google scholar profile.
Journal Articles
- Fratamico, L., Conati, C., Roll, I., & Kardan, S. (January 2017). Applying a framework for student modeling in interactive simulations: comparing data representation granularity to handle environment complexity. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. [PDF]
Conference Proceedings
- Katsaros, M., Yang, K., & Fratamico, L. (2022, May). Reconsidering tweets: Intervening during tweet creation decreases offensive content. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (Vol. 16, pp. 477-487). [PDF]
- Fratamico, L., Perez, S., & Roll, I. (April 2017). A visual approach towards knowledge engineering and understanding how students learn in complex environments. Proceedings of the 4th ACM conference on Learning @ Scale. ACM. (13% acceptance rate) [PDF] [Slides]
- Conati, C.*, Fratamico, L.*, Kardan, S.*, & Roll, I.* (June 2015). Comparing representations for learner models in interactive simulations. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 74-83). Springer International Publishing. [PDF]
- Blumenstock, J., & Fratamico, L. (December 2013). Social and spatial ethnic segregation: a framework for analyzing segregation with large-scale spatial network data. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on Computing for Development (p. 11-20). ACM. [PDF]
Workshop Proceedings
- Shen, J.*, Fratamico, L.*, Rahwan, I., & Rush, A. (July 2018). Darling or Babygirl? Investigating Stylistic Bias in Sentiment Analysis. Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning Workshop (FAT/ML). [PDF]
*indicates shared first-authorship